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We define "sustainability" as the responsible attitude of the current generation towards future generations by preserving and/or improving current environmental conditions. The actions of humanity jeopardize the conservation of the current biodiversity and ecosystem for the future. In response, in relation to climate and nature, entities and individuals are exposed to and suffer the effects of increasingly frequent and violent climatic events. Faced with this, climate policies are multiplying and becoming tougher in order to contain or even reduce the anthropogenic (human) impact on nature. These initiatives and actions of nature towards the climate and human behavior are not without mutual risks for individuals and entities as well as for Mother Nature.

- Physical risks
- Transition risks
- Sustainability
- Green and sustainable finance
- Environmental auditing
- Climate analysis and scenarios
- R&D


By analyzing the case, it is clear that your company is exposed to a physical climate risk that can be acute (floods, fires...) or chronic (loss of productivity due to heat waves, an increase of average temperatures...). New laws and consumer demands towards new products or services, respectful of the environment or the climate, force you to react, underlining the transition risk you have to face. This transition risk can be political (new laws), and related to consumer preferences,... This risk can lead to the failure of your long-term non-adapted assets, resulting in a huge loss of value, and therefore a certain devaluation of your company.


By analyzing the case, it is clear that your company is exposed to a physical climate risk that can be acute (floods, fires...) or chronic (loss of productivity due to heat wave, an increase of average temperature...). New laws and consumer demands towards new products or services, respectful of the environment or the climate, force you to react, underlining the transition risk you have to face. This transition risk can be political (new laws), and related to consumer preferences... This risk can also lead to the failure of your non-adapted assets (production equipment), resulting in a huge loss of value and thus leading to a certain devaluation of your company.


AddValorem C.F.R.M. Inc. helps you identify all the climate risks and opportunities your company is exposed to and defines, according to your context, sustainable solutions that meet the new legislative and environmental standards. We can assist you in the preparation and publication of your greenhouse gas emissions report according to the Kyoto Protocol. This approach has several advantages, including obtaining adequate funding and participating in emissions trading schemes. AddValorem C.F.R.M. Inc. can help you make strategic decisions that are consistent with the environmental context in which your organization operates. In short, we help you minimize your climate risks and optimize your sustainable solutions.

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